Welcome to the website of the TWI Institute

Tradition - Science - Innovation

are the basis and prerequisite for the further development of medicine in the connection of Traditional and Modern European Medicine.
Necessary for this is a causal medicine, which sees the human being in its wholeness and and researches and treats the cause of diseases.
Read more in the section History of the TWI Institute


Report on the General Assembly

The General Assembly took place on 16 November 2022 as planned in the practice rooms of Dr Peter Schleicher and Dr Dorothea Brückl-Schleicher. We thus met in the practice where Dr Karl Daxl also worked. It was a very harmonious meeting.
A new presidium was elected:
President Hermann Pönisch
Vice Presidents Rita Hagl-Kehl MdB, Dr. Ilja Lasarow, Dr. Peter Schleicher
Treasurer Bernhard Fritscher
Here you can read the minutes of the meeting


On 18.04.2023, another general meeting was held online. The registry court had criticised two passages in the revised statutes that had to be amended.
Meeting minutes


For formal reasons (change in legislation for virtual/hybrid assemblies in February 2023), the resolutions of the last general assembly could not be recognised by the registry court. For this reason, another general meeting was held on 9 October 2023.
Meeting minutes
New version of the statutes




Josef Döllner ✝︎

22.08.1933 - 03.04.2022


Josef TWI web

We mourn the loss of our founding member and honorary president
At the request of the deceased, the funeral took place in the closest circle of family and friends
Hermann Pönisch had the honour to hold the funeral oration
We will always remember Josef fondly and strive to continue to realise his ideas






General Assembly 2022

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